
Set Up Posting Board Information

Only the posting board administrator can modify the board information.

1. Registering an Operator

Once designated as an operator, you can input posting board information, create categories, and view all registered posts.

Note that administrators are automatically included as operators and cannot be excluded.

  1. Go to [Dashboard] > [Posting Board] to view the list of boards you have access to. Select the desired board.
  2. Click on the [Settings] tab > [Posting board info] tab.
  3. In the operator settings area, click the [Settings] button.
  4. Select the leader to register as the operator.

2. Registering Posting Board Information

You can register a description and a main image for each posting board.


Provide a description to help employees understand the purpose of the board.

Main Image

You can upload a main image to decorate the board or showcase its purpose. Choose from 3 default images or upload your own custom image.

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