1. What is Attendance Cutoff?
- Attendance Cutoff is a feature that prevents editing of attendance records for a specified period, ensuring data accuracy.
- After the cutoff, leaders cannot create, edit, or delete attendance records, and employees cannot submit additional approval requests for their attendance.
- The attendance records that can be closed include clock-in/out records, schedules, leave, and overtime.
2. Processing Attendance Cutoff Opening and Closure
- Navigate to Attendance Cutoff > Status, select an item, and go to the detail page. This page allows you to monitor progress and check each employee's status.
- In the table, review the pending statuses for employees, then select Opened / Closed under the "Cutoff" section after processing.
- ‘Opened’ status allows editing of attendance records, while once marked as ‘Opened’, attendance records cannot be edited.
- Prior to the cutoff date, leaders or administrators with proper permissions can change the status.
- After the cutoff date, all employees will automatically switch to cutoff status. After this point, only administrators can open or close the cutoff.
- If the cutoff is opened after the cutoff date to modify attendance records, it must be re-closed with Completion of Cutoff to prevent further edits.
You can select employees in the table using checkboxes to apply the Closed Cutoff or Opened Cutoff in bulk.