Leaders with approval authority can request delegation of their approval authority through the dashboard and app leader mode. Delegation must be allowed.
1. Dashboard
- Select the "Approval" > "Approval Settings" menu.
- In the delegation of approval authority screen, click the [Request Delegation] button.
2. App Leader Mode
- Select "Approval" > "Delegation of Approval Authority" menu.
- In the delegation of approval authority screen, click the [Request Delegation] button.
▪︎ Delegation Period
The delegation period can be selected for a maximum of 370 days, excluding past dates. Dates that overlap with previously requested delegation periods cannot be selected.
▪︎ Delegatee
First, select the delegation period, then choose the delegatee. If the selected delegatee's previous delegation or leave period overlaps, a notification will appear.
- A member who has already requested delegation within the chosen period cannot be selected as a delegatee.
- A member who has already applied for a leave during the selected delegation period, which is restricted, cannot be selected as a delegatee.
- If the leave period for a member with non-restricted leave during the delegation period is selected, the leave period will be confirmed before the member can be designated as a delegatee.
Once the delegation request is made, a push notification will be sent to the delegation approval manager requesting approval. Once approved, the approval authority will be delegated.
- Once delegated, the push notification for approval requests, which was previously sent to the original approval manager, will now be sent to the person who received the delegation.
- The delegated approval authority applies across all approval categories (schedule, workplace location, punch-out time, vacation, annual leave plan, overtime).
- The delegated person can view, approve/reject, and cancel any request within the dashboard and app leader mode.
Although the approval authority is delegated, the original approver's rights will not be revoked. They can still process approvals/rejections if needed.