
Check leave records & usage status

Leaders can only view the leave records of employees in their managing groups.

View the trend of employees' leave use in various ways such as through time series analysis and the list showing accumulated results.

1. View leave records on the dashboard

View all records

  1. Dashboard > Leave
  2. Select [Leave records] tab.
  3. Select [All] and view the trend of leave use of all leave types.
  4. Select time series analysis or accumulated view to check records.
  • Time series analysis
    • You can check the trend of leave use and the number of employees who took leave by date.
    • We provide charts for the number of employees who took leave, scheduled to take leave, and requested leave(pending approval).
      • Used : Leave days that are reflected on the schedule up to today
      • Scheduled : Leave days that are reflected on the schedule but scheduled to be used in the future
      • Pending : Leave days that are requested but not yet approved
  • You can check employees' leave records by request within the searched period. When you click , you will be linked to a popup showing the details.
  • Accumulated
    • You can check the number of employees using leave days, total used days, and average days used per employee within the searched period. You can also check how many days each employee has taken leave within the searched period.

View leave records of specific leave type

  1. Dashboard > Leave
  2. Select [Leave records] tab.
  3. Select a specific leave type and view the trend of leave used of the leave type. (e.g., Annual leave)
  4. Select time series analysis or accumulated view to check records.
  • General information on the leave
    • This area shows the general information(title, description, policy, approval steps) entered when creating a new leave type.
    • The [Edit] button will only be shown to the admin and will be linked to the setting page of the leave type when you click it.

Check leave record by employee

  1. Dashboard > Members > Manage members
  2. Select a member and you will be linked to the member's details page.
  3. Select [Leave records] tab.
  4. You can check the number of used leave days within the searched period.◦ All leave records : Shows the number of leave days used in total and by each type within the searched period.◦ Leave records of specific leave type▪ Leave records : Shows the number of total used days, scheduled leave days, and pending approvals by leave type.▪ Granted leave days : Shows the number of days granted, used days, scheduled days, pending approvals, and days remaining by the period of use.

2. View leave records on the app

View all records

  1. From the main page(Leader Mode), select the menu [Leave].
  2. You can check the leave records of employees under your managing groups within the searched period(Monthly).
  3. When you select a specific employee's card, you can check the detailed information including leave records, remaining leave days, etc.

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