Shopl Partner Program
Become a Shopl Affiliate & Referral Partner
Earn up to 30% referral fees for 2 years
for every new successful referral to Shopl.
"In case of 100 users using Shopl Pro plan,
the total payout will be USD 5,040"
*100 users x USD 7 x 30% x 24 months, excluding VAT
Individuals and B2B businesses,
anyone can participate.
Shopl super user
Share your success story to your network and spread the word.
HR outsourcing business
Be the advisor your clients need, and become a Shopl expert.
IT consultant
Provide digital solution your clients need.
Freelancer • Influencer
If you believe in good softward, spread the word.
Complete the form below to join the program!
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What's the application process?
Submit the application form, and we will conduct an initial consultation for internal review. After coordinating opinions through requirement discussions and finalizing contracts, registration as an official partner will be completed.
Can I apply even if I am not familiar with the solution or IT?
Yes, even if you are not familiar with the Shopl solution or have no knowledge of IT, you can become a partner.
How are commissions paid?
Payout will be made within 60 days from the completion of customer settlement.Shopl monthly usage fees follow a post-payment billing method, so the first usage fee for customers who convert to paid services in January will be billed in February. Partner payout amounts are shared on the 5th of each month, the billing date.
What happens if users add user or change their plan after adoption?
If the number of users or the plan changes, it will automatically be reflected in the monthly customer invoice, and commissions will be paid based on the reflected amount.
What happens if a user terminates Shopl?
Commissions will not be paid after the last usage fee until the service termination date.
Can I recommend a company / organization that is already using Shopl?
No, you cannot recommend a company that has already adopted Shopl.
What if a company I recommend is already under review?
If the recommended company has a record of leaving a direct free trial or inquiry for adoption within 1 month, we provide a 15% commission.