1. Check Your To-Do
- Go to the [To-Do] menu in the app's employee mode.
- Review the to-dos assigned to you.
- Rework requests will appear at the top regardless of the date.
- View today's to-dos assigned to you or your workplace.
2. Check To-Do Details
Select a to-do to view its details.
- (a) See the repeat status, deadline, and creator info.
- (b) If a task guide is provided, check for instructions, images, and attachments.
- (c) Check if the result is submitted and if review is complete.
- (d) Buttons for task completion, review completion, and upload availability will appear at the bottom.
3. Submit To-Do Results
- Click the [Start the task] button on the to-do detail page.
- Review the instructions and enter the result in the required format.
- Click the [Submit] button to submit the result.