- When 00 hours have passed after the scheduled punch-out time:
For employees assigned to a "Worked" schedule, the system will use the scheduled punch-out time for automatic processing. You can set a delay from 30 minutes to 24 hours.
If overtime is assigned, the automatic punch-out will still use the scheduled punch-out time, not the overtime end time
Overtime must be verified and recorded manually by updating attendance records.
- When 00 hours have passed after the employee punched in:
This option processes the punch-out based on the employee's punch-in record, ignoring the scheduled times.
- When the punch-out is not recorded by 00:00 each day:
Ideal for locations that cease operations after a specific time.
- Record as 00 hours after the punch-in time:
Base the punch-out time on a specific duration of work starting from the punch-in time.
- Record as 00:00 regardless of punch-in time:
Convenient for locations that do not operate beyond a specific time.
- Do not process automatic punch-out:
Skip automatic punch-out for such cases.
Use the examples provided at the bottom of the page to verify how your settings will apply.
Example of Automatic Punch-Out Processing