
Assign•Modify Approval Delegation


Admins can assign the delegation of approval authority between leaders in the dashboard. Once the delegation request is completed, it is automatically approved. Admins can modify the delegation period or delegatee by selecting an existing approved delegation.

1. Assign Delegation

1. Go to Dashboard > Approval > Approval Settings.

2. Select the [Request delegation] button in the delegation of approval authority screen.

▪︎ Delegation Period

You can select a delegation period of up to 370 days.

▪︎ Applicant

Admins can designate the applicant (the person delegating authority). The delegation period must be selected first, then the applicant can be chosen. If the applicant’s existing delegation period or vacation period overlaps, a notification will appear.

  • Members who have already requested a delegation for the period cannot be designated as applicants.
  • Members who have restricted vacation types (for which delegation requests are not allowed) already requested within the delegation period cannot be designated.
  • Members who have already requested vacation periods that do not have restrictions on delegation requests can be designated as applicants after confirming their vacation period.

▪︎ Delegatee

Once the delegation period and applicant are chosen, the delegatee can be selected. If the delegatee’s existing delegation period or vacation period overlaps, a notification will appear.

  • Members who have already requested a delegation for the period cannot be selected as delegatees.
  • Members who have restricted vacation types already requested within the delegation period cannot be selected.
  • Members who have requested vacation periods without restrictions on delegation can be selected as delegatees after confirming their vacation period.

Once the admin assigns the delegation, a push notification will be sent to the applicant and delegatee, notifying them of the delegation approval.

  • The delegation applies to all approval categories (schedules, workplace locations, punch-out times, vacations, annual leave plans, overtime).
  • When the delegation is approved, the push notification for approval requests, which used to be sent to the original approver, will now be sent to the delegatee.
  • The delegatee can view, approve, or reject the request in the dashboard and app leader mode, and cancel approved items if necessary.

Even when approval authority is delegated, the original approver's approval rights are not removed. If needed, the original approver can still approve or reject using the approval menu.

2. Modify Delegation

1. Go to Dashboard > Approval > Approval Settings.

2. Select the delegation request with an approval status.

3. Click the edit icon in the delegatee section in the detailed view.

You can modify the delegation period or delegatee. The applicant cannot be changed. For a new applicant, a new delegation request should be submitted. Once the admin modifies the delegation, a push notification will be sent to the applicant, delegatee, and the approver, notifying them of the change.

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