
Get Started with the To-do Feature

The To-do feature can only be enabled by administrators.

1. Introduction to the To-do Feature

Shopl's To-do feature allows you to assign tasks to employees and ensure they are not missed with notifications and reminders, even during punch-in/out. Tasks can be assigned by employee or by workplace. Repeating tasks can be automated with set cycles and reminders.

Admins and leaders can review task results and request rework if needed, enabling more precise task management.

2. Setting Up the To-do Feature

  1. Go to Dashboard > [Feature settings].
  2. Navigate to Communication > [To-do].
  3. Set the To-do feature to "Use".

When enabled, the To-do menu will appear in the dashboard navigation (menu bar).

  1. Configure To-do creation permissions:
  • Determine who can create (assign) To-dos.
  • Administrators have default To-do creation permissions.
  • You can also grant permissions to leaders, either all leaders or specific leaders.

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