By default, administrators and leaders with approval rights can edit attendance records. Authorized administrators and leaders can edit (create, modify, delete) employee attendance records when they are incorrect or missing, using the app and dashboard.
Administrators can edit records for all employees, while leaders can edit records within their group. There’s also an option to assign editing rights to specific employees. Additionally, you can configure whether leaders can edit their own records.
Editing includes creating, modifying, and deleting attendance records. Changes can be made to movement, arrival, absence, and return records as well.
All changes are logged in the system, noting who edited, when, and for what reason. After editing, a push notification is sent to the affected employee with the updated information.
Employees can select their records and input the desired time and place for modifications. Once the request is reviewed and approved by an authorized leader, the change will be applied to the records. Employees can modify attendance records, as well as movement, arrival, absence, and return records.
Employees can only request changes to records they entered themselves or records created by a leader.
When an attendance modification request is approved, the system logs who requested the change, when, and the approval reason. Both the employee and leader will receive a push notification with the status of the request.
Leaders can approve or reject requests, and if rejected, the original record remains unchanged.