Creating To-do
- Go to Dashboard > Select To-do
- In [To-do Status] or [To-do Management] tab, click [Create To-do].
Enter To-do Information
Basic Info
Category and title are required fields. If no categories are registered, the category selection area will not appear.
- To register a category, go to [To-do] > [Settings] page.
You can enter task-related instructions for employees and attach reference images or documents (optional).
- Images: jpg, jpeg, png files only; Documents: pdf, ppt, xlsx files, up to 50MB.
Basic Settings
Do you assign tasks by employee or by workplace?
- Select whether tasks are assigned to individual employees or by workplace. Complete detailed settings after selection.
- Assign by employee : Each assigned employee must perform the task.
- Assign by workplace : Any employee within the assigned workplace can complete the task.
How many times can an assignee upload work results?
- Set the number of times task results can be uploaded.
- Multiple times: Unlimited submissions, even if only one result is submitted, the task is marked complete.
- Only once: Only one submission is allowed per task.
Needs task reviewer to confirm the work once it is completed?
- Select 'Needed' to enable task review by a leader. The person who created the to-do is automatically set as the reviewer.
- Needed: Submitted tasks are reviewed by the leader and can be sent back for rework if incomplete.
- Not Needed: No review process is required for task results.
Is it a repeated task?
- Set as 'Repeated' for ongoing tasks, 'Not repeated' for one-time tasks.
- Repeated tasks are created initially on the start date, and subsequent tasks follow the set frequency until the end date.
- If a specific end date is set, the task will stop repeating on that date.
Time Settings
- ON: Set start and end times for task submission.
- OFF: Task results can be submitted any time within the day (00:00 to 23:59).
- Choose the task type and input instructions.
- Depending on the task type, you may need to attach photos or input multiple-choice options.
- Set whether answering is required for each task.
< Task Types >
- Text: Write the task result directly.
- Barcode: Scan or enter a barcode.
- Photo: Take or attach a photo.
- Multiple choice: Select one option from multiple choices.
- Checkbox: Select one or more options from available choices.
- Take a photo according to the guide (AI) : Refer to the attached guide image to complete the task and attach the results.
- Take a photo according to the attached guide, and AI will analyze the similarity.
- Employees can review the results and decide to upload the photo.