This feature enables managing employees who clock in/out from unregistered locations (temporary workplaces), such as external meetings or remote work.
1) Navigate to Dashboard > [Feature settings] > [Attendance].
2) In the subfeatures section, change [Allow punch in/out from any places] to "Use".
3) Select the target group for this feature.
Allow Punch In/Out from Any Places Targets
Set who can punch in/out from non-workplaces:
Go to Leader Mode > Menu > [Attendance] > [Punch in/out from a temporary workplace].
Navigate to Menu > [Attendance] > [Punch in/out from a temporary workplace].
Temporary workplace information registered by employees using [Reuse this reason next time] cannot be edited or deleted by administrators. As the information is stored in the employee's personal account, they must edit or delete it themselves if needed.