
Bulk Add · Modify Members

Only admins or leaders with the permission to add members can add or edit members.

Manage employees effectively with bulk add function for registering new members and bulk modify function for editing information of existing members.

1. Bulk add members

With bulk add members function, you can register several new members at once. Use Excel file to register members instantaneously.

  1. Dashboard > Members > Manage members
  2. Select [Status] tab.
  3. Click [Bulk add members] button.
  4. Click [Download sample] and download the Excel file.
  5. Follow the instruction and input information according to the format.◦ Max. 2,000 members can be uploaded at once.◦ Only default properties can be registered when bulk adding members(employment date, employee number, job title, grade, nation ID number). Register custom properties with [Bulk modify member info] after adding members.
  1. Once completed, attach the file to the dashboard and check if there is any incorrect information.
  2. If everything has been entered correctly, click [Save] button to complete the process.

Data entered incorrectly will appear in red, you must save them after correcting it.

  • Duplicated/missing data
  • Incorrect data format
  • Custom properties options not previously registered

2. Bulk modify member info

If you need to edit information of several members that were previously registered, you can get it done quickly with the bulk modify member info function.

  1. Dashboard > Members > Manage members
  2. Select [Status] tab.
  3. Click [Bulk modify member info] button.
  1. Select which member information you wish to modify and click [OK]. You can select between Default properties or Custom properties.
  2. Click [Download member info] and download the Excel file.
  3. Follow the instruction and modify information according to the format.
  • ID, name, employee number, and assigned group cannot be modified.
  • If the customized properties data type is 'Text - Select from options' then you must input one of the options
  • If the customized properties data type is 'Text - Enter manually' then you can input information freely.
  1. Once completed, attach the file to the dashboard and check if there is any incorrect information.
  2. If everything has been entered correctly, click [Save] button to complete the process.

Data entered incorrectly will appear in red, you must save them after correcting it.

  • Duplicated/missing data
  • Incorrect data format
  • Custom properties options not previously registered

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