
Get Started with the Schedule Feature

The schedule feature is a default function in Shopl and cannot be disabled.

1. Understanding the Feature

The schedule feature allows for easy management of employee work schedules.

Employees: Easily request work schedules, leave, and overtime.Leaders/AdminsView employee schedules at a glance and approve/deny changes.

You can create templates optimized for your company’s rotating shifts to simplify schedule management (e.g., open shift, close shift, middle shift, leave, etc.).

2. Getting Started

Editing Schedules (Leaders/Admins)

Leaders and administrators can edit the schedules of their assigned employees via the dashboard or app.

Requesting Schedule Changes (Employees)

Employees cannot directly edit their schedules and must request changes via the app.

Approving Schedule Changes (Leaders/Admins)

Leaders and administrators can approve or deny schedule change requests via the dashboard or app.

Batch Schedule Registration

For multiple employees, use the batch registration feature. Download the schedule template, fill it out, and upload it to register schedules in bulk.

3. Registering Default Work Schedules

You can register default work schedules in the employee information section (Manage members > Details Popup). Based on this, the system automatically generates schedules through the end of the next month.

  • Real-time Generation: When entering or modifying default work schedules, schedules are generated instantly through the end of the next month.
  • Daily Generation: Every midnight, schedules are automatically generated through the end of the next month.

Exclusions from Automatic Schedule Generation:

  • Dates when employees have already requested and received approval for schedules.
  • Dates when leaders or administrators have already assigned schedules.

▸ Set up Default Work Schedules>

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