One reason for the increase in time is that when anomalies such as tardiness or missing punch-in records occur, I, as the administrator, have to contact each employee individually to ask them to provide the reason and record it.
Isn't there an easier way to manage attendance anomalies that occur during punch-in and punch-out for employee attendance management?
Shopl supports a feature that allows you to easily receive reasons for anomalies along with notifications about punch-in and punch-out records.
Experience advanced attendance management using Shopl's Attendance feature!
As the number of employees whose attendance records need to be managed increases, the occurrence of issues such as tardiness, missed records, and early leave also rises. Shopl provides a notification and reason submission feature to make managing such anomalies simple.
As an admin, you can select the anomalies for which you want to receive notifications and reasons, you´ll be able to manage them easily through Shopl without having to check each case individually whenever an anomaly occurs.
In cases where there is a need to convey a message to employees who have submitted incorrect reasons or missed punch-in records, aside from some already confirmed cases, Shopl provides an easier [Notice] delivery function.
By clicking on the attendance situations for which you want to send an announcement from the admin page, you can easily send announcements to the employees involved in each situation.
A. Yes, it’s possible.
Click the notice send button for working employees, then you can edit the recipients.
A. No, it can also be used for internal announcements unrelated to attendance.
If you're curious about how it can be used, please refer to the notice feature usage guide below!
▸ Easily send internal announcements and surveys and check receipt status at a glance >
Are you spending too much time on repetitive attendance management tasks? With Shopl's attendance anomaly management feature, you can now handle them easily. If you have information to convey to employees, use the Notice feature to communicate quickly and experience easy attendance management through reason submission. Start efficient attendance management with Shopl!