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Easily send internal notices and surveys and check receipt status at a glance


🤔 When managing employees, there are times when we need to notify them of certain information and collect responses through surveys.

At this time, we use email and messenger to send notices and conduct surveys. However, when using email and messenger, we can't check who hasn't seen the messages, and I have to compile the survey responses manually, which takes a lot of time.

Is there a simple way to manage notices and surveys directed at employees?

💁‍♀️ Do you want to easily conduct notices and surveys directed at employees? With Shopl, it's possible.

The [Notice and Survey] feature in Shopl supports easy notifications and surveys for all employees or specific ones.

Use the [Notice and Survey] feature to simplify your notice and survey delivery tasks!

1.  Information delivery and response collection made easy with the Notice and Survey feature

▪︎ Notices and Surveys delivered to all or specific employees

Easily send the information you want to convey to employees using the [Notice and Survey] feature in Shopl.

It is possible to set the recipients as desired by the administrator and, after writing the content, send it with just one click. Additionally, to provide more detailed information, you can also attach images and documents.

The survey types can also deliver the recipients and instructions just like notices, and you can freely create the questionnaire using multiple choice, checkboxes, open-ended questions(text), and photo items for additional content. You can set a deadline for when the survey will be conducted and specify whether responses can only be submitted at the workplace.

Furthermore, both notices and surveys can be scheduled for sending, allowing you to dispatch them according to the company schedule.

▪︎ Easily resend to employees who haven't read

Have you found it difficult to determine which employees haven't confirmed the notices and surveys sent?

Shopl provides a resending feature that allows administrators to resend the content without having to check the receipt status for each employee individually. When you resend, a real-time push notification is sent to the employee, ensuring that those who haven't checked the notices and surveys won’t miss them.

▪︎ Responses to submitted surveys can be viewed at a glance

Now, there's no need to compile the responses submitted by employees for surveys one by one!

If you've conducted a survey with Shopl, all responses are compiled question by question for easy viewing. For those who need organized data, survey responses are also provided in a neatly formatted Excel report.

2. Recommended for You!

  • Administrators who send notices and surveys to employees via email and messenger
  • Administrators who check the receipt status of notices and surveys individually
  • Administrators who compile the submitted survey responses themselves

Have you found managing notices and surveys directed at employees cumbersome? Now, easily resolve it with Shopl's [Notice and Survey] feature. You can easily send notices and surveys to all or specific employees, check receipt status in real time, and automatically compile responses for easy viewing. Utilize various input options and the scheduling feature to manage notices and surveys effectively.

Learn more about the Notice and Survey feature
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